WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
A work breakdown structure in Primavera P6 is a hierarchical arrangement of the products and services associated with a
project. Each level of the work breakdown structure represents an element or
task that needs to be accomplished for the project to be completed.
The element contains the tasks and activities needed to produce the deliverable. For instance, a building’s work breakdown structure
would have its levels broken down by subcategories of work such as design and
engineering, plumbing, and exterior/interior finish.
The work elements are also given a description from which
the scope of work can be created. These descriptions provide workers with an
end goal or objective that is required to complete the project.
The work break down structure in Primavera P6 enables you to organize a project into
logical phases for the purpose of planning and control. Each project is the
root node of the work breakdown structure and has a parent/child relationship
with the WBS element that is beneath it.
The work break
down structure provides a framework for the development of a project. It is
developed by starting at the end product and working backwards to the beginning
or until the root of the project is reached. The different ways each element
can be categorized includes: systems, subsystems, components, tasks, subtasks,
and work packages.
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The above Diagram demonstrate how to build the hierarchy of the structure and how it is used to help manage and report on the schedule data throughout the life cycle of the project.
How to add WBS:
GO to the Project menueand select the WBS option
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After the selection of WBS you can see a new window .
in this window you can easily see the list of all projects that you are created
so you can select the current project in which you are interested to break down .
Select the + sign that mention in circle .
By clicking on a (+) this symbol a new WBS is added into Your Project.
By clicking on a (+) this symbol a new WBS is added into Your Project.
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